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Growth Series

2024 Events

The UCA is proud to present its fourth year of Growth Series, giving UCA members free access to webinars on a range of topics from experts in their fields and accruing CPD hours.

Mastering Speaking to change the world and grow your practice with Shawn powers

Wednesday 29th May 2024, 8:00 - 9:00 pm

Shawn has learnt that with the right systems, coaches and mentors, your success will always exceed that which is achieved alone. She grew her practice and most importantly, it gave her the freedom of time, money and energy to live the life that she had always dreamed of. Shawn has founded multiple family practices, the Chiropractic Warriors, is co-founder and chapter chair of the League of Chiropractic Women. She has held executive positions in state organisations, WCWC, and Royal Chiropractic Knights and was twice recognised as Chiropractor of the Year. Now, she speaks at worldwide chiropractic events, teaching and coaching others how to run wildly successful family practices.

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Measure What Matters: How to Objectify the Subjective and Leverage that Data to Grow Your Practice with Brock McCurdy

Wednesday 26th June 2024, 8:00 - 9:00 pm

Join us and Brock McCurdy, business director and international speaker to learn about how to unlock the power of maximising subjective data in your practice, and what this can do for you and your patients.

Fuelled by his wish to elevate the practice of chiropractic care, he conceived and brought to life the Chiropractic Outcomes app. This cutting-edge application was designed to track and measure patients' subjective results, presenting a comprehensive and compelling picture of the benefits offered by chiropractic care to patients, chiropractic practices, and the profession as a whole.

Presently, Brock finds himself in Barcelona, Spain, where he has established a thriving chiropractic practice.

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The heart of chiropractic with stew bittman

Wednesday 31st July 2024, 8:00 - 9:00 pm

Dr. Stew Bittman is beloved in the chiropractic community around the world. He has spent 40 years in chiropractic, practising for 24 years (12 of those with a box on the wall), and more recently coaching, speaking and leading workshops. Stew spent 15 years learning, travelling, speaking and teaching alongside the great chiropractic leader, Jim Sigafoose, and since then has brought his own unique brand of wisdom and love to the chiropractic world. In addition to being one of the most perennially popular speakers at ChiroEurope and at the In8 Summit in Australia, Stew is the creator of the "Chiropractic from the Heart" workshops, which have opened the hearts of thousands of people internationally and taught them that true success starts with a free and open heart. Stew also does a weekly podcast called "Stew- on-This", sharing his life experiences and his love for mankind through messages of wholeness, peace, love, compassion, support, and humour. 

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New Patient Mojo - 10 Patient principles for practice growth with bill esteb

Wednesday 25th September 2024, 8:00 - 9:00 pm

This fast-moving one-hour program will address 10 elements of your new patient attractability. From the patient's point of view, you'll discover countless distinctions to inspire referrals, stimulate reactivations and become a new patient magnet. Surprisingly, it's not about doing more—it's about being more. More curious. More present. More interested. More disciplined. More authentic. And more!

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